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Caller ID

Caller ID in Idealpos

The Caller ID Module allows you to instantly add a customer to the sale, or add new customer’s details on the fly to your customer database, based on incoming telephone calls.


This feature can be used in numerous business applications:


You will require CID in your registration details for all terminals using this module. 

Your designated telephone line will need Caller ID enabled and you will also require a compatible Caller ID Modem.

The Caller ID Module supports a single telephone line per POS Terminal.



User Registration

Ensure that your registration includes the Caller ID prefix in the Options Field.


Yes/No Options

Caller ID will not work if the Home Screen is enabled. You will need to ensure the home screen has been disabled for all terminals using the Caller ID module.


Go to Setup > Yes/No Options > Home Screen > Allow Home Screen: Untick.



POS Terminal Settings

Connect the modem to the phone line and to a serial port on the POS Terminal.


To configure the modem settings, go to Setup > POS Terminals > Modify the designated terminal > Other Peripherals > Caller ID Modem.



Select the modem type from the drop down and the specific COM Port the modem is connected to.

Currently the NetComm Roadster AM5698 and AM5067 are the only modems tested and listed in the Modem Types.

Idealpos will set the default values for Settings and Initialisation String.



It is possible to select Custom from the drop down menu, and you will be required to set the Initialisation String, COM Port and Settings for your modem.



Using Caller ID